Speaking of which, I am trying to get involved in Reddit, and honestly have no clue what I am doing. Anyone want to buy a tracking collar for a highly endangered species? Don’t worry, I will post a nice soliciting post on here for you about that. Today was an office day for me, working on some photo edits and finishing up with making fun a fun digital flip book for the annual report as well as trying to solicit donations to purchase a new satellite tracking collar or two for the wild dogs. Today is not too bad though, it’s been overcast with thunderclouds threatening with their rumbles mixed in with times of sunshine – I am telling you the weather gods have no idea what they are doing lately. Okay, so maybe 18⁰C (64⁰F) is not that cold for most of you, but you have to remember I have become a complete and total weenie when it comes to cold weather so yeah, it has been cold. Let’s see what is going on now-a-days… I am still living in Karingani, Mozambique and still absolutely loving every minute of it – this place is magical! The weather is making an attempt to turn from winter into summer, we have had a few 41⁰C (that’s something like 104⁰F for you Americans on here), but after some nice hot days, the temps have been plummeting back to arctic cold. And to my stalker, if you are still stalking after a year of me being quiet on here, welcome back, you truly are quite determined. Instead of posting a whole ten-page long blog post about what I have been up to in the past year (you can get an idea if you head over to Karingani’s Instagram as most of the photos and stories on there are mine), I have decided I am just going to start with today. But I have decided that I miss you guys and want to resume sharing my stories with you.

I know I have not posted on here in rather a long time, I have had some stalker issues (how fun). Hey strangers (both figuratively and literally), how’s it going?