Reconnect the power cable to your modem/router and make sure it's turned on.Unplug the power cable to your modem/router and wait about 60 seconds.If you have a separate modem and router, power reset both devices Internet connection issues are often resolved after performing a power reset. Check if the issue is resolved after completing each step. If model-specific information is needed, refer to your product Regardless of your TV type, there a few things that you can check first. If the issue occurs on a specific app only and isn't resolved by the steps below, we recommend that you contact the app service provider.

Try other content to see if the issue is specific to the content you are watching or if the issue occurs with other content or streaming services.Wait for a few minutes before trying again. If Feature not available or Service cannot be accessed at this time is displayed, the service may be temporarily down.This information provides help with network access errors that occur when accessing video streaming services such as Netflix® and YouTube™ apps.